Driveshafts, rear, steel-spline constant-velocity (complete assembly) (2) (fits 2WD Rustler/Stampede)
This is the Machined Hardened Steel Transmission gears for use in Axial 3-Gear style locked transmissions.
Charge Two Batteries at Once 8-amp Output in Our Fastest, Most Powerful Charger!
This is a Hot-Shot #2 Long Glo-Starter with Battery Charger. This is used to heat glow plugs while starting glow-powered engines.
This is a Hot-Shot #2 Standard Glo-Starter with Battery Charger. This is used to heat glow plugs while starting glow-powered engines.
Box, receiver (sealed)/ foam pad/ silicone grease/ 3x8mm BCS (2)/ 2.5x8mm CS (2)/ 3x6mm BCS (2)
Ring gear, differential/ pinion gear, differential
Mount, telemetry expander (fits Rustler, Bandit, Slash 2WD)
Toe links, aluminum (red-anodized) (4) (assembled with rod ends and threaded inserts)
Rubber-sealed ball bearings provide smooth, long-lasting and precise driving. Especially in dirt environments, rubber-sealed ball bearings provide the ultimate protection.
Rubber-sealed ball bearings provide smooth, long-lasting and precise driving. Especially in dirt environments, rubber-sealed ball bearings provide the ultimate protection. Ball bearings, blue rubber sealed (6x12x4mm) (2)